Saturday, November 17, 2012

How is it started?

The problem raised when I asked one of my lecturers to introduce an astronomical problem for me. After some negotiation she gave me a topic to work on. Also she said that the topic could be potentially my master thesis.
The topic is to find out whether MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical Blazar or not?
After reading some literature, it is found that the source is most similar to be a BL Lac. The problem became more clear.
To find out the answer of the question, I should compare the source to other BL Lacs` characteristics. An approach to answer would be a multi-wavelenght comparison which will be done in very high energy gamma ray, gamma ray, X-ray and optical bands.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Welcome to my blog

I planned to share my experiences in very high energy gamma-ray astronomy here with you. It seems that most of the posts will be related to BL Lac objects.